If you love everything Link, this image should excite your pants off.
To enhance the appeal of the Wii U, Nintendo plans to re-release several cherished classics, including the epic The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for GameCube, with snazzy high-definition graphics. Below, we present a set of images that show off the HD remastering of the game next to the original version that debuted in 2003.
Prepare yourself for lots of dynamic lighting and bloom when Wind Waker HD hits later this year.
Like the changes or not, the difference 10 years can make may astound you -- nearly everything appears enhanced with the HD remake, including textures, shadows, and the environment overall.
Bask in the glow of Zelda: Wind Waker in HD
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Bask in the glow of Zelda: Wind Waker in HD